Next Skills for CiD, Stakeholder Meeting 21.02.24

University of Genoa, Department of Architecture and Design

On 21st February 2024, University of Genoa, Department Architecture and Design, has hosted a collaborative mapping and co-design activity encounter with CID Genoa Local Observatory. The event has been mapping the skills gaps and educational profiles aimed at young product and service designers in order to foster job creation on new entrepreneurial possibilities in line with principles of circular economy and bio-based innovation towards climate-neutral cities.

During the "Next Skills for Circular Design" meeting, the UniGe CID team dedicated part of the meeting  to blended collaborative activities to identify gaps and skills needed to train future circular designers, by the ‘personas’ tool and other inspiring collaborative resources!

Participants include Liguria International, Confcommercio, Città Metropolitana di Genova, PLEF, ADI Liguria, Materially, Isola Design, FOA.GE Genova Chamber of Architects, AMIU, Genoa Blue District.